Friday, March 9, 2012

Everybody shout "politics!''

Not so long ago, we had a debate about what the ANC was still doing for the people of South Africa and how they have improved in terms of providing for the needs of the communities and why do people still go out there and vote for them over and over? Well there were various answers to those questions such as " the ANC was basically the first black government to have that much control over half the country many moons ago and it was the government that took black people under its wing. So now, black people looked up to the ANC, hoping for a better life through the many years they voted for the ANC. And still to this day, they feel obliged to continue to vote for their government, no matter what the media spits out to the country of how the ANC have made so many promises and havn't delivered on what they promised and now Julius has added to the spin of all things concerning the ANC. Another was "what has or hasn't the DA done in the last few years?" Besides bringing shame and embarrassment to themselves and the people in the Western Cape. In my opinion, I think the ANC has a really long way to go before saying they''re THE BEST government because they've been in the running since forever. But I must admit that they have improved though. And it must be tough being the spokesperson for such an elite government. You would really have to have a strong back bone and guts to stand up that stage and discuss or explain why the situations are the way they are!. The way in which the spokesman has to keep the ANC looking good is beyond me haha.